Phone Obstacle Backgrounds Image Color Codes


Phone Obstacle Backgrounds Colors Logo

Phone Obstacle Backgrounds associates with Phone, Obstacle, Backgrounds features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Indigo Mood. Mariner, Cornflower Blue, Deep Cove are colors resembling Indigo. The #367CEA #508BF2 #0662CF #021F45 #023F94  Hex Colors are all related to Phone Obstacle Backgrounds.

Phone Obstacle Backgrounds HEX Colors:

Color Name: Mariner

HEX Code: #367CEA

RGB: rgb(54, 124, 234)

HSL: hsl(217, 81%, 56%)

CMYK: 77%, 47%, 0%, 8%

Color Name: Cornflower Blue

HEX Code: #508BF2

RGB: rgb(80, 139, 242)

HSL: hsl(218, 86%, 63%)

CMYK: 67%, 43%, 0%, 5%

Color Name: Science Blue

HEX Code: #0662CF

RGB: rgb(6, 98, 207)

HSL: hsl(213, 94%, 42%)

CMYK: 97%, 53%, 0%, 19%

Color Name: Deep Cove

HEX Code: #021F45

RGB: rgb(2, 31, 69)

HSL: hsl(214, 94%, 14%)

CMYK: 97%, 55%, 0%, 73%

Color Name: Smalt

HEX Code: #023F94

RGB: rgb(2, 63, 148)

HSL: hsl(215, 97%, 29%)

CMYK: 99%, 57%, 0%, 42%


What are the different colors codes in Phone Obstacle Backgrounds Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Phone Obstacle Backgrounds are #367CEA #508BF2 #0662CF #021F45 #023F94 .

Which category does Phone Obstacle Backgrounds image belong to?

Phone Obstacle Backgrounds belongs to Indigo Category.

This information was last updated on 10-01-2023.