Camel Pyramids Desert Image Color Codes


Camel Pyramids Desert Colors Logo

Camel Pyramids Desert associates with Egypt, Person, Pyramids, Desert, Camel features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Indigo Mood. Indigo, Torea Bay, Azure are colors resembling Indigo. The #586FC2 #192290 #BB9968 #3F4FAC #946B3A  Hex Colors are all related to Camel Pyramids Desert.

Camel Pyramids Desert HEX Colors:

Color Name: Indigo

HEX Code: #586FC2

RGB: rgb(88, 111, 194)

HSL: hsl(227, 46%, 55%)

CMYK: 55%, 43%, 0%, 24%

Color Name: Torea Bay

HEX Code: #192290

RGB: rgb(25, 34, 144)

HSL: hsl(235, 70%, 33%)

CMYK: 83%, 76%, 0%, 44%

Color Name: Teak

HEX Code: #BB9968

RGB: rgb(187, 153, 104)

HSL: hsl(35, 38%, 57%)

CMYK: 0%, 18%, 44%, 27%

Color Name: Azure

HEX Code: #3F4FAC

RGB: rgb(63, 79, 172)

HSL: hsl(231, 46%, 46%)

CMYK: 63%, 54%, 0%, 33%

Color Name: Kumera

HEX Code: #946B3A

RGB: rgb(148, 107, 58)

HSL: hsl(33, 44%, 40%)

CMYK: 0%, 28%, 61%, 42%


What are the different colors codes in Camel Pyramids Desert Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Camel Pyramids Desert are #586FC2 #192290 #BB9968 #3F4FAC #946B3A .

Which category does Camel Pyramids Desert image belong to?

Camel Pyramids Desert belongs to Indigo Category.

This information was last updated on 29-12-2022.